Badhausweg 9, A - 6364 Brixen im Thale

0043 5334 8113

Our Weather

Vormittag, 11.09.2024

Temperatur 13°C/55°F

Sonnenschein 70%

Frostgrenze 3300

Nachmittag, 11.09.2024

Temperatur 16°C/61°F

Sonnenschein 30%

Frostgrenze 3000

Morgen, 12.09.2024

Temperatur 6°C/43°F

Sonnenschein 0%

Frostgrenze 1700

Übermorgen, 13.09.2024

Temperatur 5°C/41°F

Sonnenschein 10%

Frostgrenze 1600

Vorhersage Wednesday will bring us turbulent weather! Initially, the foehn winds will still be strong enough to ensure mostly bright skies. In the course of the afternoon, the clouds will increase and produce heavy showers.

Trend During the following days, we should lower our expectations of the weather. More humid, cold air masses will move into Central Europe. The snow level will drop continuously!

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